Role-Specific Responsibilities:
- Presides at, and sets the agenda for, meetings of the Board of Directors and membership meetings, except as noted in Article VII of the Bylaws.
- Oversees the management of the Chapter.
- Presides over all regularly scheduled meetings of the Chapter.
- Presides over regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors.
- Appoints chairpersons for standing and special committees.
- Provides leadership for the officers and Board members and encourages active participation in leadership from the President-Elect and Past President.
- Delegates responsibility for coordination of general Chapter functions, not already assigned to an officer or Board member.
- Serves as Past President for one-year after elected term.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
PRESIDENT-ELECTRole-Specific Responsibilities:
- Acts for President in the President’s absence.
- Carries out special responsibilities as assigned by the President.
- Coordinates an annual Chapter customer satisfaction/needs assessment/survey, presents finds to the Board.
- Appoints and chairs budget committee to develop budget for coming year Chapter budget.
- Completes and submits CORE on behalf of the Chapter to National organization.
- Prepares for upcoming presidential year by ensuring the following are met:
- Orientation of newly elected Officers and Board members
- Preparation of annual goals.
- Development and/or review and update of strategic goals.
- Oversees the management of Professional Development Networks (PDN).
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
PAST PRESIDENTRole-Specific Responsibilities:
- Schedules activities and functions related to the selection and involvement of the Chapter’s Advisory Council.
- Coordinates with the President-Elect selection of a Nominating Committee to identify nominees for the coming year Board of Officers and Directors.
- Serves on the Hospitality Committee to provide leadership for new member orientation activities.
- Serves the current President as required.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
Treasurer/FinanceRole-Specific Responsibilities:
- Budgeting: Creates an annual operating budget and makes it accessible to members
- Conducts Audits: Audits income/expenses and cash-flow on a monthly basis to ensure chapter's sound financial status and reports the results of financial audits to the board in a timely manner
- Compliance: Ensures compliance with CARE and ensures chapter is in compliance with state and federal reporting requirements.
Finance/Operations: Oversees operations and finance for the chapter, reconciles chapter bank accounts on a regular basis, oversees the accuracy of record-keeping and reporting, issues payment for invoices in a timely manner, maintains chapter tax-exempt non-profit status and ensures that the chapter maintains adequate insurance coverage.
Maintains Chapter finances, including making deposits received from Chapter meeting, PayPal, and via US mail.
- Maintains membership database. Enter new data, change data or delete data as appropriate.
- Sends 90-day and 60-day membership renewal notices to expiring memberships to encourage continuous membership.
- Uploads membership files to National to ensure accurate total membership count.
- Pays invoices received for services rendered.
- Reconciles bank account.
- Creates a monthly financial report and distribute to the Board.
- Arranges annual audit of financial records – secure auditor, deliver records, receive report.
- Files annual Franchise Tax Report with the Secretary of State.
- Serves on Budget Committee.
- Assists the Board in understanding financial implications and benefits of Chapter non-profit status.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.

COMMUNICATION Role-Specific Responsibilities:
- Publishes a Chapter newsletter each month during the year.
- Distributes newsletter to members via e-mail and by posting on the website archive.
- Publishes a Chapter member directory; post to website (Member Only section) and to the Board Yahoo Group.
- Creates “Upcoming Events” flyer announcing speaker and topic two months prior to Chapter meeting. Prepare, print and distribute at each Chapter meeting.
- Compiles and maintain a library of form letters for the Chapter communications. Send letters at the direction of the Board as appropriate.
- Oversees the distribution/mailing of monthly meeting announcement emails.
- Sends “thank you” letters to speakers and “welcome” letters to visitors following Chapter meetings.
- Sends birthday cards to Chapter members.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
MembershipRole-Specific Responsibilities:
- Creates information detailing benefits of joining the organization, and upcoming opportunities to meet other prospects/members
- Reports to board and members current rosters and member benefits
- Implements programs that result in decreased membership expiration
- Ensures processes are in place to follow up with members whose annual membership is about to expire, and advocates renewal
- Increases member renewal by a stated amount
- Provides services that will enhance new members acculturation to the organization
- Conducts needs assessment and member satisfaction surveys on a regular basis, reports results and make recommendations to the board
- Recruits and trains incoming VP of membership
- Recruits and trains volunteers to support membership functions
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
HOSPITALITY Role-Specific Responsibilities:
- Provides food service at Chapter meetings, including planning the menu, contacting and placing catering order, and directing set-up of food service. (If a caterer is not available, order and pick up food at an alternate location, transport to Chapter meeting, set up and provide clean up at conclusion of meeting.)
- Prepares the meeting site including arrangement of tables and chairs, contacting facility support, display and remove ATD signs, and place materials on tables for distribution.
- Provides for table decorations (centerpieces) as deemed necessary.
- Sets up resource table and display table for raffles.
- Secures invoice from caterer and transfer to Chapter Manager or arrange payment to food- service provider.
- Assures hospitality coverage in the event of absence.
- Presents method of recognition for members (birthday) at monthly Chapter meetings.
- Assists with collection and delivery of donated items for Chapter community service projects.
- Appoints and oversees New Member Orientation committee, welcoming new members, conducting orientation meetings explaining Chapter membership benefits.
- Provides current employment opportunities to members through the maintenance of a resume binder.
- Appoints and oversees Registration committee. Sets up the registration process at Chapter meetings. Provide and collect appropriate forms, check attendee list against reservations list, distribute and pick up name tags.
- Maintains attendance records for Chapter meetings.
- Prepares analysis of month-to-month attendance and year-to-year attendance, present findings to the Board.
- Generates Chapter meeting attendance list and forward head count to Board.
- Generates name tags, blank PC cards, and registration table forms as needed.
- Distributes and collect member name tags at Chapter meeting.
- Transfers collected funds and “no show” information to Chapter manager.
- Acquires raffle items, sale tickets and conduct raffle, as appropriate.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
Role-Specific Responsibilities:
- Creates a strategy for marketing the Chapter including specifying a target market and making calls or visits.
- Ensures “branding” of Chapter on all publications.
- Develops pricing strategy for sponsorships and website advertisement opportunities.
- Develops marketing materials and distribute to the target group(s).
- Recruits Lead Learning Partners.
- Recruits advertising sponsors and sell advertisement space on website.
- Recommends Chapter participation in community events and trade shows as appropriate.
- Publicizes monthly Chapter meetings and other Chapter events by sending information to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, other appropriate media and other similar organizations.
- Publishes press releases for placement in the media as appropriate, to publicize Chapter successes and events. Post press releases on the Chapter website.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
PROGRAMSRole-Specific Responsibilities:
- Secures speakers for monthly Chapter meeting, confirming date with presenter.
- Acquires program description, speaker bio and forward to Communications, and Technology as appropriate.
- Welcomes and introduce speaker at monthly meetings.
- Purchases gift for speaker (e.g. gift card or book).
- Coordinates evaluation of programs – prepare, distribute and retrieve evaluations at Chapter meetings.
- Summarizes evaluations and present findings to the Board.
- Arranges or delivers “Ice Breaker” activity, related to program topic.
- Secures speakers/topics for conferences/workshops. Coordinate hosting of several conferences/workshops throughout the year.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
RECORDS Role-Specific Responsibilities:
- Records proceedings at the Board meetings and transcribe minutes. Retain a permanent file copy in archive.
- Distributes transcribed minutes to the Board at Board meetings and post to website (Member Only section) and on the Yahoo Group site for review and archive purposes.
- Establishes a file system for minutes and records. Retain minutes, copies of material related to meetings and events. Make records accessible to the Board and Chapter members, via Member Only section on website.
- Acts as Chapter Historian. Ensure all files are labeled and archived.
- Maintains “scrapbook” (e.g. website or hard copy) of Chapter yearly events.
- Takes photos at all Chapter meetings, Chapter events/recognition. Create “slide show” of photos and submit to Technology for posting to website.
- Maintains archive photo files.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Writes a comprehensive Board report including items requiring action, statistics and activities for the month.
- Formulates an annual budget request for the area of responsibility.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
TECHNOLOGYRole-Specific Responsibilities:
- Maintains the Chapter website with updated information and content on an ongoing basis to ensure currency of the following: current program information, surveys, newsletters, assessments, special announcements, annual report, by-laws, Chapter meeting photos, calendar of events, job postings, sponsorship, marketing opportunities, career growth, community service, contact information and position announcements.
- Provide support in accessing and navigating website.
- Advises Board on new and emerging technologies that may enhance Chapter operation.
- Works with the Board and vendors to advise and implement new technologies as appropriate.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Member of ATD National and Chapter.
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.

Student RelationsRole-Specific Responsibilities:
Student Recruitment and Engagement
Serves as a liaison between local educational institutions and the chapter
Encourages local academia to participate in ATD Higher Education community
Serves as liaison between members of the student relations committee and the chapter board
Serves as communications link between students and chapter in disseminating information relative to student programs, scholarships, internships, and CPLP certification
Works with local academia to encourage student participation in local professional chapter meetings
Communicates with local academia to provide classroom visits to discuss the talent development profession, ATD and chapter membership, internships/scholarships, etc.
Participates in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter
Scholarship and Internship Programs
Drives initiatives to provide appropriate assistance to student members through scholarship programs, internships, or special student activities as supported by the board/chapter
Makes recommendations on scholarship amounts and number of recipients
Develops scholarship applications evaluation criteria and designs the appropriate materials
Evaluates applications and makes recommendations
Oversees the internship program
Sends out requests to local professionals and chapter members for internship postings
Forwards openings to local academic faculty members
Student Special Interest Group (SIG)
Provides guidance and direction relative to the organization of student special interest groups
Selects and acts as a liaison to a faculty advisor or chapter member(s) to head the group, report back to the board, and attend group meetings regularly
Ensures a reduced rate is established for student members
Establishes a mentoring program with current members and student members
Board Participation
Supports and promotes chapter affiliation requirements (CARE), and the strategic goals and action plans of the chapter
Represents the chapter professionally and ethically in all business functions/organizational activities
Attends and participates in all board and chapter meetings. Participates in other chapter events, committee meetings, and regional conferences as available
General Board-Shared Responsibilities:
- Member of ATD National and Chapter.
- Assures position responsibilities are covered in the event of absence.
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value into events as well as among external professionals, professional organizations and by participation in trade shows as appropriate.
- Participates in development of a retention/recruitment strategy designed to maintain on-going contact with Chapter members.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event, or designate a representative when absent.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.
- Develops a succession plan by identifying qualified candidates, then selecting, training and coach/mentor the candidate.
- Creates committee and recruit committee members as needed.
- Maintains role/responsibility files. Pass files to successor at completion of term.
Special Projects
Role-Specific Responsibilities:
- Organizes, leads, and helps execute chapter projects that may fall outside the scope of board duties.
General Board-Shared Responsibilities
- Promotes the ATD Chapter internally by building member value.
- Plans to attend Chapter meetings in support of the event.
- Hosts guests at Chapter meetings through individual welcome, assisting to connect with appropriate members and by hosting a table at each meeting.
- Plans to attend Board meetings, make recommendations for Chapter improvement and report items requiring Board action.